Blue anti-corrosion-fin is used to increase the life span of the coil. Seamless inner groove copper tube is used to increase the heat exchange rate by reducing the space between the fin and the copper tube. Product dimensions:38.5" Width x 30.28" Depth x 27.28" HeightProduct weight:274.3 lbs208/230v/60hz /1PhLow TemperatureLiquid Pipe Diameter: 1/2" Suction Pipe Diameter: 7/8"3970 CFM1 FanUsage Tips:Experience Engineers have designed the system for maximum efficiency.Fan Blades: Specifically matched with motors and coil for maximum air movement and cooling.Control box is designed for easy installation.Low pressure control is adjustable.Additional info:-FR8-TA-TH032LR404A3 #04897